
Yoga Teacher Training

My first Yoga Teacher Training graduates, Spring 2014

My first Yoga Teacher Training graduates, Spring 2014

“[Yoga Teacher Training] changed my expectation that the yoga immersion would mainly have an impact on my outer practice, to the extent that the practice would become more important to my inner self. I came to see I could lighten up on the achievement and excelling thing, and accept that the change in my yoga practice would come, with practice. It came to matter less when and if I could balance in a handstand, to whether I could fully occupy my body and breath. That was the gift of LifePower YTT - that yoga was no longer about achieving and expecting but about being. The next gift of it, beyond growing some wonderful new friends, came in that I could share the practice by teaching. That I can share that is now a distinct pleasure and honor!”


“Yoga Teacher Training was an incredible experience. Learning and practicing the yoga philosophy was a challenge but also an incredible experience. Each teacher brought their own flavor to the experience which gave us wider view of yoga philosophy. It really changed the way I view myself, the world, and how I interact with others around me. I can think of very few experiences that can match the 12 week journey me and my fellow trainees made together.”


“Yoga Teacher Training has changed my life. When I first considered participating, I thought it would improve my practice and help me with stress. YTT definitely achieved that. Now when I go to yoga class, my overall experience is so much better because of my training. I am also more flexible and stronger thanks to all of that Ashtanga and Vinyassa.

What I didn’t expect was the mental strength that surfaced from learning to calm my mind, my ability to have more rewarding relationships with people, and accepting myself for who I am. I am a better person in the world as a result of it. I really want to go out and share what I have learned with others so that they, too, can have that same buzz about themselves.

But the most important part of my YTT experience is having shared my experience with my new yogi sisters and teachers. I cannot imagine having shared that journey with anyone else. They are extraordinary and were the best part of training. I love them dearly!”


Mentoring for Yoga Teachers

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